Poet bewegt
Client Poetbewegt e.V.
Role Illustrations and layout
Technique Ink on paper
I love to give you an impression of my ink drawings I did for poet | bewegt, a competition for newcomer authors and poets. The anthologies are always designed by different designers in Chemnitz and I was happy to be asked for this one. Among the posts there are very emotional stories. Using my brushes and black ink, I approached these moods.
The anthology taking a sun bath. For its cover I mixed an in some ways powerful piece with digital coloration and collages.

Leap of ink!
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About poetry and foxes
The first step of my work for poet | bewegt was to read each of the contributions, plus the texts which are part of the anthology. Our teamwork was very professional and trustworthy. I made a draft for the layout and the cover and scribbled first ideas for the illustrations. There was a report-like text written in the point of view of a teenager, escaping from home, another about the memories of a prisoner. The illustrations reflect a slightly yearning and melancholic atmosphere.
As I progressed, I went through each chapter and drew foxes, polaroids and boiling water. The layout became more and more clear and elaborate and I regularly sent them to my client. My service also included the design of a bookmark as a giveaway and to optimize files of photographs for the print use. The final round was then to deliver the print ready pages – and being happy about the result!

“Fernweh” is a German term that describes the longing to travel.

„Reading a lot is part of an illustrator‘s job,“ I once heard from a wise lecturer during my studies. And it is true. And drawing beaks and paws whenever possible is part of my job as well.

A poor dachshund trying to escape from its owner.

Pebbles on a beach reminding of cookies.
