Chemnitz City Library

Client Chemnitz City Library
Role Artworks
Technique Digital drafts and acrylic painting
The Chemnitz City Library has expanded beyond its indoor confines. Through their cargo bike, LARA, they extend an invitation to explore a multimedia space — whether in solitude or with the possibility of making new friends. I felt a strong passion for creating whimsical characters and book titles, seamlessly blending them into cheerful artworks directly on the bike’s surface. But that’s not all —coloring postcards and a large mural at the kid’s corner quickly followed suit, right on the (w)heels…
A city’s living room
Guided by the library’s vibrant corporate design, the mission was clear: make LARA an unmistakable presence as it connects with communities during its city-wide journeys from spring to autumn. In a warmheartedly briefing, I had the chance to learn about a space which identifies itself as the city’s living room, where people come together for reading and research, gaming nights, workshops and for recording podcasts. I had much fun in translating this wide range into vibrant artworks — with grateful collaboration. Find out more!

Katrin Kropf and Stephanie Brittnacher with LARA. Photo: Maik Börner

Bye digital!
The initial digital drafts were met with positive feedback, requiring only minimal tweaks. Then came the exciting phase of bringing my illustrations to life on the physical canvas of the cargo bike — for me a shift from the comfort of the digital realm to the tangible world. There was no undo button, no safety net of digital edits. Instead, I found myself immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of Rebel Art Chemnitz’s gallery, which I was offered to use as the working space for this endeavor. And the Grafiti crew became invaluable collaborators. Their expertise not only extended to providing technical advice but also included hands-on assistance in preparing the cargo bike’s surface.
Et voilà!
I spent around 10 days dancing through the process with a dash of motivation and respect. It turns out, digital escapade, creativity and collaboration can turn a library on wheels into a cheerful work of art.
The experiences of the Chemnitz City Library are so sweet and remarkable. Whenever LARA comes to a summer event in a park, people will join with curiosity, ask questions, and eagerly capture photos of the cargo bike.

Coloring your greetings
With a little
help from my friends!
In addition to LARA’s new designs, the City Library asked me to creating a coloring postcard as give-aways for kids. Back at my studio, I loved to work on the friends spending time with their books on a blanket in the park. What’s your favorite spot to read?
Party at the kid's corner
A primary mission for a city library is to be a place you love spending time in — whether you’re a kid or grown up. I was tasked with designing a vibrant tree for one of the district libraries, symbolizing everything that the Chemnitz City Library represents: multimedia offerings, unexpected parties (yes!), readings, gaming, and a commitment to inclusion and diversity.

Following a successful collaboration with Rebel Art, I asked them to join this project. My role would entail project management and the creation of the digital draft exclusively. The task of „bringing it to life“ on the wall would be entrusted to seasoned experts. This approach proved ideal: in a span of three days and with a team of three graffiti artists, the tree extended its branches across the corner. Recall my newfound friendship with acrylic markers at the cargo bike’s trunk? I had the gratifying responsibility of putting the finishing touches on the mural, incorporating details like writings on screens, posters, book titles, and the expressive faces of animals and dancing kids.